Our members include companies, big and small; nonprofit organizations and municipalities; and individual housing advocates. Becoming a member, or sponsoring one of our events, asserts your commitment to the issue of housing affordability.
To become a member or renew your membership online, click the button below and complete the form. If you'd rather pay by check, download the Membership and Sponsorship Form and mail the completed form with your check to Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast, 57 Main Street, Raymond, NH 03077. Please make checks payable to the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast.
To find out about sponsorship opportunities, contact us today at info@seacoastwhc.org or (603) 505-8029.

2022 Corporate, Nonprofit, and Municipal Members
Adams Family Foundation
Altus Engineering
Bangor Savings Bank
Cambridge Trust
Credere Associates
DeStefano and Associates
Donahue, Tucker, & Ciandella PLLC
Eastern Bank
Eckman Construction
Fulcrum Associates
Geoffrey E. Clark and Martha Fuller Clark Fund
GL Rogers and Company
Great Oak Title Services
JCM Management Company
Kennebunk Savings Bank
New Hampshire Association of Realtors
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
New Hampshire Community Loan Fund
New Hampshire Housing
Northeast Credit Union
Partners Bank
Piscataqua Savings Bank
Portsmouth Housing Authority
Regional Economic Development Center
Rockingham Planning Commission
Stateside Construction Group
Strafford County Community Action Partnership
TD Charitable Foundation
The Brook
The Housing Partnership
York Housing Authority
2022 Individual Members
Alexa Carpenter
Barbara Holstein
Bart McDonough
Carrie DiGeorge
Christine Dwyer
David Choate
Sen. David Watters
James Prieto
Jill Peter
Lindsay Sonnett
Lisa Henderson
Matt Burke
Kim Rogers
Michael Behrendt
Michael Castagna
Michael Donahue
Ryan Pope
Thomas Prieto
Tom Monahan
2021 Master Builders & Major Funders
Cambridge Trust
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
New Hampshire Housing
TD Charitable Foundation
Regional Economic Development Center
The Brook
2021 Community Builders
Ambit Engineering
Bangor Savings Bank
DeStefano & Associates, Inc.
Donahue, Tucker, and Ciandella
Great Bridge Properties
JCM Management
Kim Rogers
2021 Corporate, Nonprofit, and Municipal Members
Altus Engineering
Arrow 5054 Properties, LLC
Avesta Housing
Castagna Consulting Group
CJ Architects
Community Action Partnership of Strafford County
Credere Associates
Cross Roads House
Eastern Bank
Great Oak Title Services
North Branch Construction
Piscataqua Savings Bank
Portsmouth Housing Authority
Portsmouth Smart Growth
Rockingham Planning Commission
The Housing Partnership
York Housing Authority

2021 Individual Members
Michael Behrendt
Georgann Cherim
David Choate
Jen Czysz
Michael Donahue
Chris Dwyer
Greg and Kathy Gosselin
Lisa Henderson
Bart McDonough
Tom Morgan
Jill Peters
Lindsay and Malcolm Sonnett
Senator David Watters